

Searching for money for college can be very difficult! You should first

check with the guidance counselor at your high school for help! They should

be able to give you great ideas & resources to begin your search! Next, check

with the colleges you are interested in & they should also be able to give you help; especially

if they are interested in you, they will quickly describe what they can do for you financially!

If not, then that college may not be interested or may have already filled their quota, or may

simply not be the right place for you! & do not be surprised if you have to check on a dozen

of more colleges & universities or junior colleges! Keep Trying!!! There is a good fit for you out

there & sometimes they are difficult to find! For those of you who are still coming up short of your

financial goals, contact us via one of the methods listed below!

Or anyone else looking for educational financial help such as returning veterans, career changers,

recently unemployed or released from incarceration, then please:

email us at: [email protected]

or fax us at: 315.508.4356

or just call us at 315.867.4970

& we will try to satisfy you educational financial needs!